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Tuesday 7 October 2014, 07:09
Everything is going by so quickly I can't even fathom. Seriously, it was like yesterday when I had my first lesson in sec 1 and now BAM i'm a graduate. 9 FREAKING DAYS TO O lvl can you believe it? yea neither can I. Crap I need to get my shit together >< I don't even understand how people can pick things up so quickly. Okay what am I babbling about. FREAKING OUT OMG DOES ANYONE EVEN READ THIS SHIT. I'm sorry to anyone reading this, it's crap ok just move on to another blog or something hahaha. DAMMIT IDK WHY BUT I'M FEELING SO RESTLESS AND FRUSTRATED FNJFEIOFNQIEFNLAKJFNLKANSFINVKLNQAIPVNWIPFJQPWOFJOPQWFNKLVNCKLDV KBYE

Sunday 17 August 2014, 06:17
Been feeling so down lately.. I don't even know why I'm feeling like this. Oh did you know over the short span of 4-5 mths, I've gained so much weight. What even... I'm so mad at myself dammit. It's so irritating I'm just a silly miserable fat blob over here. ARGH AND I EVEN PROMISED JAH TO STOP degrading myself arghvnauovnnfvgvjwsmkjgvopkpoas. hope nobody sees this imma delete it i just need to vent somewhere.

Just some stuff...
Friday 16 May 2014, 21:00

Today was a really tiring day man... ( Yay for end of MYE?) what's there to hooray about anyway. O's are yet to be over. Had leadership training in the morning, followed by choir till 4.30, then dance till 6.30. 

Dance was so depressing today. They added new choreos to the dance. Not my style and also, i cant do it. I really don't believe i can. All of them are so slim it would be a tad bit easier. Feels so depressing... And i feel like a freaking burden over here. Horrible feeling :( sighhh sometimes i wonder why i signed up for this, but it would be a stupid decision to quit ya' know. Since i already put in so much effort for the start. Feeling like a useless piece of poop...dammit. What's worse is that I can't make it for like 1 and a half pract every week. That makes me the slowest amongst them + I'm not really a fast learner T-T SO BLOODY ANNOYING. Just wanna cry so badly arghabsianskabskansoqnalansisnsksnsjaoqbsduosnsn.

Thanks goodness to end of the day, went out with Erny for a catchup session/htht talk. Really love this girl hahaha she's so crazy and happy ❤️💕

heart to heart talk with her and I felt so much more comfortable. 

We talked about soooo many things and I found out about some stuff too. Which made me decide some things. I should probably forget about IT. I shouldn't even be thinking about it coz no hope ya' know? And also the girls out there are way prettier... hah.. SO YEA. Just that he's nice to everyone and you know the "niceness" is so insignificant? I reaaaaally shouldnt think about anything else. Hopefully i can get over it. 

With love, Olivya💌

TK Sports day 2014
Tuesday 15 April 2014, 07:21

That picture above is my sec 2 class. Not all are in the pic though. It's pretty nice how all of us have grown physically. Yea mentally they're a little... Not there yet hehe anyway..Today was sports day and boyyy i had the heaviest duty ever compared to the past 3 years. I was the left hand man of a teacher who was also a saikang warrior which makes me a saikang warrior's saikang?! hahaha 
(saikang warrior= dirty work warrior)
When sports day ended, everyone just went around taking pics so these are the... MANY photos i took 
Really likes this photo but dhayan just HAD to blink :(

With Miss Liz! One of the few AMAZING TEACHERS <3

ANCHOR <3 (we spent awhile shouting at toon coz she couldnt hear us hahah)

A million photos later, Mel and I went to eat lunch and movie date afterwards! 
We ate at Nex coz we were simply tooooo hungry. Then we made out way to Dhoby/plaza singapura for a movie called "Project Hashima". It's a horror movie ah. Mel and i cowered so many times HAHAHA we just leaned onto each other and just squirmed HAHAHHAA ANYWAY THE GUY INSIDE IS GOOD LOOKING!! 
He is soooo cute and woo but mel refuses to agree with me!! Doesn't he have the kpop star face hahah. Anyway i was spazzing while being scared HAHAHAHA. 
Camwhores! Otw to dhoby :x

The movie was quite worth my money. I kinda liked it. I NEED TO WATCH DIVERGENT!!! :(

I'm super tired right this minute. I actually went to jog around the HDB/ my pri sch so about 3.7+ km and i am shagged. MY legs feel like they're about to give way and i'm bloody sleepy... Sighh 

Dont ask me how i camwhored kioking so much better


i'm super tired alrdy GOODNIGHT

For laughter 

Sunday 13 April 2014, 08:31

*Sob* guys *Sob* y'all gotta watch Clannad. It is sooooo good. Just clannad 1st season made me cry 4 times today. I accidentally read the summary of clannad after story and I'm so scared to watch it because apparently Nagisa dies. Arghhh too sad T-T You're heartless if you don't even shed a tear!! 
Anyway, last night I had a really good dream that my mum allowed me to go HK asia cantate. But when I woke up i felt super sad and afraid to call her. At night, my bro was voice messaging my mum via whatsapp and I reminded her that she hasn't called me yet. So when she called, i told her about my dream (good sign) so she said 那你梦想成真了啦 ?< so your dream come true la?> to which i was a little confused whether she allow me go or not? Then she asked me for reasons why i should go. I told her it would be my last competition trip and i promised i would work hard for O's. Then she finally agreed. SHE AGREED!!! I was grinning from ear to ear and i asked her again to make sure she wouldnt go back on her words. After I hung up i called Mel and Toon immediately, to which only Mel answered. I was so bloody excited and jumping on the spot haha!! Just cross my fingers that nothing else will get in the way! 
Hehhee okok honestly hope nth gets in the way... 

Here are some random things i stumbled upon on twitter 
Damn true this shiiiit hahha 

Made this for lunch today (say i'm awesome) :D 
It's called chasoba salad :) 

Productive Saturday. I like.
Saturday 12 April 2014, 09:06
Wassup readers! Had one of the best day  of the Month today. Studied with Mel and Phoebe at Starbucks! Missed the greentea latte so bad 
It's my favourite drink! HANDS DOWN. LOL #whitegirl ok stereotypes. I love starbucks ok it's amazing. Oh yeah! While boarding the train to Bugis At Tampines, i saw this girlllll over hereeeee
We were in the same cabin and i didn't realise until ahe approached me. WEEEEE HAHAA fate <3 
Okay continueing my story~
After studying, we went to Manhatten Fish Market for dinner. It was quite ok~ we wanted Ma maison though, but the queue was woo longggggg 
MFM- Seafood platter shared among the 3 of us! It consist of Calamari, Fried Fish fillet, prawns and fried oysters(ugh). I hate oysters so does feebs. She decided to have a little fun and play a game of scissors paper stone. The loser has to eat the oyster. Guess who lost? Yea. Me. Ughh the taste at first wasn't bad. Then slowly the taste of idk bad seafood just ughh (bleuk pui pui). Can't imagine how ppl can eat it raw. I can't even eat it cooked?
After dinner we just walked around bugis street because i wanted to get some Clothessss. Got myself 2 simple dresses for $20 and 3 T-shirts for $25. 2EXO shirt and 1 BAP shirt :) i wanted to shop longer but it was already pretty late so we went our seperate ways. 
Selfie of the night. My nose looks horribly flat...
Ouchhh my body aches from yesterday's dance. I still feel like dancing now though, argh. SORE T-T 

Okay i'm sleepy(as always) 
Goodnight :3 

Hiatus.. But wait(?)
Wednesday 9 April 2014, 15:12

Hey readers of this blog(if there are even any). I've been away from blogging for quite awhile and it's pretty cool how i read some of my own blog posts and I don't even remember blogging them. Yeap, that was how long it'd been... While reading through my blog, I found a photo and decided to place it beside my now photo, ya' know, to identify change hehe 
I'd like to believe that I have changed HAHAHAHA. I miss my fringe :( 

Anyway.. Secondary 4 life is hectic. It's like every moment is a life decision that will affect your future and blahblah. What do I mean by that? HAHAHA okay, the normal peer to peer conversation : 

Friend: Eh want go out lepak?
Me: hmmm eh then sch work how
Friend: aiya not everyday we can lepak liddat.
Me: orh ok lorh..

Singlish conversation HAHAH I apologise for that horrible English.
I'm just trying to say it's a moral dilemma of trying to balance our social life and studies. 
I really don't understand how people can handle these shit manzzzz. I'm so tired of school. My mum wouldn't allow me to go to ASIA CANTATE 2014 in HONGKONG i mean cmon it's just 5 days.. Mr kwei was like "oh i can't believe your mum don't let you go back home" *laughs* dayum neither can I. Arghh so frustrating she doesn't listen to me!!! T-T 
Next week's Sports day is shifted from Serangoon stadium to Bedok stadium to BISHAN STADIUM. BISHAN STADIUM?!?! So bloody far >< 7.45am goodness. Did they miss out the fact that the students stay all over Singapore and we don't just flyyyy there :( there goes my sleep. Tomorrow is Friday!!! Yay finally!! This week ended pretty quickly. I can't wait to dance tomorrow!! 
Okay ending off with this 

Yummmmmmyyy photo 

Okay time tuh study 
